KGLT Production Director, Brodie Cates, is retiring after decades of bringing his exquisitely mixed PSAs and programs to Southwest Montana’s airwaves. It’s hard to express our gratitude to someone who brought such lovely sounds to so many for so long. But we’ll try, in the words of those who worked with him and examples of his audio craft.
Brodie’s audio production skills made me sound smarter, deeper, richer, hipper and composeder than I could ever hope to be in real life. Thanks for the years of stellar sonic collaboration.
Chrysti the Wordsmith

The Montana Medicine Show might never have gotten off the ground without the technical wizardry and creative genius of sound engineer Brodie Cates. Brodie came up with the Medicine Show’s name, reasoning that — like Monty Python’s Flying Circus — it would work perfectly once people got familiar with it, and realized we weren’t some Dr. Oz rip off. Those early days were pretty rough, when I was just learning how to write for radio. Brodie’s experienced ear alway caught my misreads and mispronunciations. When segments went long, and I had to edit on the fly, his patience was legendary. I was always amazed at how quickly he could seamlessly splice together a coherent episode from numerous takes. In thirteen years, he never missed a recording session. Thanks, Brodie, for your dedication to excellence, you audio zen-master, you sensi of the airwaves.
Derek Strahn, Montana Medicine Show
It has been thrilling to work with Brodie. His creative voice and impeccable timing is all over the airwaves at kglt. Since 2001, I’ve loved that part of the day that I could visit Brodie and marvel at his productions. One of the reasons I love KGLT is Brodie’s influence. I made sure to let him know that also, and when Phil Charles left the station, he said to me, treat Brodie with care and respect because he is a special gem. Thank you Brodie for the love and light you have gifted to KGLT with your fine production talents!
Ellen King-Rodgers, former KGLT General Manager
Brodie had a rare talent for audio production that was very much a part of KGLT’s daily sound. He can make any announcement more engaging by pairing just the right music bed or sound bite to get your attention and draw you in. The depth of Brodie’s knowledge and creativity has been a tremendous asset to KGLT for decades. Aside from his obvious talent, Brodie is a pleasure to work with and his presence will be greatly missed. I wish you well in this next chapter, Brodie!
Ron Craighead, KGLT Marketing Director

Decades ago I was outside working outside on a multi-day yard project, with KGLT keeping me company those many hours. I began noticing how every PSA was artfully put together, from music choice, to mix, to what-we-call music marks: little musical accents that fill pauses in the voice. Masterfully done all. I then realized what was obvious to others: KGLT’s Production Director Brodie Cates, the guy who makes the station’s many, many PSAs, is a skilled audio artist/craftsperson. His mini-masterpieces aren’t just excellent community service, they’re also a huge part of the KGLT’s stellar sound — keeping us us tuned in all these years. Thanks for the sonics, Brodie.
Barrett Golding, KGLT DJ and radio producer
And this from the person now sitting in Brodie’s production chair:
Brodie is a guy dedicated to his community and was thoroughly dedicated to his work here at KGLT. He always made people’s day brighter by asking for their voice on a PSA or promo, talking art and music, and being a pleasant presence in the studio. I’m going to miss him, and wish him well in his retirement.
Drake Pannell, our new Production Director