Public Service Announcements

PSAs, written on 45 rpm record

PSA: Submission Form | FCC Policy & Best Practice

Any community non-profit group or Montana State University student organization may submit short Public Service Announcements (PSAs) that, once approved, are read on-air.

Send us your PSA

Use this form to send us a radio announcement of your organization’s service or upcoming event. Submit an event PSA at least two weeks in advance.

Or mail your PSA with the above information to:

PSA Director
MSU Box 174240
Montana State University-Bozeman
Bozeman, MT 59717-4240

FCC Policy & Best Practice

Effective PSA messages are simple and concise:

  • Event or service description
  • Date and time
  • Location

FCC regulations and station policy disallow advertising-type language and calls to action, i.e., a statement or phrase which directs a person to act.

Example: Allowed

Eagle Mount needs volunteers to give downhill ski lessons to people with disabilities at Bridger Bowl and for cross country ski lessons at Bohart Ranch. Volunteers receive a complimentary pass for the day of service. Eagle Mount is at Eagle-Mount-dot-org and 406-586-1781.

Example: Not allowed

Skiers! Want to add some extra gusto and laughter into your ski day? Eagle Mount needs volunteers to give downhill ski lessons to people with disabilities at Bridger Bowl and for cross country ski lessons at Bohart Ranch. You’ll get a complimentary pass for the day of service. Become an Eagle Mount ski volunteer now. Questions? Check our website at Then call us today at 406-586-1781.

KGLT reserves the right to edit all copy for on-air broadcast. KGLT rotates PSAs: There is no guarantee when yours will air.