PSA: Submission Form | FCC/KGLT Policies
Any community non-profit group or Montana State University organization may submit short Public Service Announcements (PSAs) for possible broadcast.
Send us your PSA
Use this form to send us a radio announcement of your organization’s service or upcoming event. Submit an event PSA at least four weeks in advance.
KGLT airs PSAs that serve our listeners and community. Messages must benefit our listeners. Nothing controversial, issue-oriented, or self-serving. KGLT reserves the right to edit or reject submissions.
KGLT only accepts PSAs via the above form.
We do not know in advance when or if your PSA will air. Because PSAs are a free service, we are obligated to fulfill paid-sponsor announcements first. Contact our Marketing Director (406-994-7091 | 📧email) about the community benefits of sponsorship.
PSAs are brief — 30 seconds or less. We welcome PSAs for community events or services, including concerts and other civic, cultural, educational, environmental, and health-related events. Due to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations, no political announcements will be accepted. We also do not promote religion, issue-advocacy, or events with narrow appeal (e.g., high school reunions, meetings of astrophysicists).
Submit events at least four weeks before the date of an event, with the following required information:
- Who is hosting the event? Name of organization.
- What type of event is it? For example: a concert, a slideshow, or lecture.
- When will the event take place? Time and date.
- Where will the event take place? City and address.
- Why? A brief mission statement or description.
You are responsible for your message’s accuracy: Fact-check and proofread first. For all PSAs, KGLT needs:
- Contact information: Website and phone number.
- Phonetic pronunciations (pro-NUN-see-A-shuns): Of difficult words and names.
FCC/IRS Guidelines
The FCC and IRS strictly regulate PSAs. Your PSA must adhere to their guidelines:
- Announcements may not include an inducement to buy, sell, rent or lease.
- Announcements may not contain price information, including fees, or references including “free,” “sale,” “half-price” or “discount.” If an event is free, it’s permissible to indicate that it’s “open to the public.” If an event requires tickets, the PSA may tell listeners where tickets are available.
- Announcements may not be for commercial purposes. If it involves money or measurable benefit, the recipient must have 501(c)(3) status. Announcements for fundraisers at commercial establishments will not be accepted, even if a portion of the funds are donated to charity.
- Announcements may not contain comparative or qualitative language, like “the best in our area,” or “the most popular…”
- Announcements may not contain a call to action, such as “be sure to attend” or “hurry in today.”