When: July 7-11 8:30am–4:00pm
Who: Ages 11–13
Cost: $300/week

When: July 14-18 8:30am–4:00pm
Who: Ages 11–13
Cost: $300/week

When: July 28-Aug 1 8:30am–4:00pm
Who: Ages 11–13
Cost: $300/week

You’re on the air
KGLT Kids weeklong DJ summer camp guides aspiring announcers through into the world of broadcasting. Participants explore music genres, cultivate playlists, and create content to air on the station. They learn elements of engineering audio, producing programs, creating podcasts, and making beats.
The numerous hands-on activities include not only broadcasting but also science: We build a working radio, microphone, and record player.
The day at KGLT Kids starts with a morning meeting, introducing the upcoming topics and addressing thoughts or concerns by staff or students. Participants have several breaks in the day for to play games and spend time outside. Depending on the weather, we will have lunch outside each day.
Parents must provide their child’s lunch and snacks. Or they can purchase food in the SUB cafeteria. Throughout the week, students gain experience setting up audio equipment, recording music, and producing podcasts. Near week’s end, the kids use their skills to record a band live in the studio.

DJ Camp Schedule
8:30-9:00 Parent drop-off
9:00-9:15 Morning meeting
9:15-10:00 Music journal
10:00-11:00 Content creation lesson
11:00-11:30 Making beats
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 Science lesson
1:30-2:30 KGLT studio time
2:30-3:00 Playlist research
3:30-4:00 Parent pickup

Music history
On day one, the kids start a journal, to keep notes, playlists, and related activities throughout the week. They use the journal notebook to brainstorm and develop content for the radio.
Several sessions during the week are set aside for music history lessons. We explore the influences and insights that formed the many different modern musical genres.
Each day we visit KGLT studio. The students learn to select music from our huge vinyl and CD collection. They learning the equipment and may have a chance to broadcast live on the station.
Curating content
Students develop their playlist then produce a pre recorded DJ set. Selected sets air on the radio.
Selected projects may air on KGLT, at the DJs discretion. Participants write and record public service announcements, which KGLT DJs may also air. This engaging project provides kids an opprotunity to share thoughts, advice, and words of wisdom with the public.
Throughout the week students become familiar with the recording app GarageBand, a free download for iPad and Apple computers. We record all our content, and ur podcasts, into this powerful program that we will use to record all of our content. The camp has 8 external microphones and 6 iPads, which the students share. (You’re welcome to bring your own iPad too.) Students can also produce their own electronic music in GarageBand.

Science projects
Crystal radio:
The kids build a working radio. This is an exciting Stem-based project, teaching students the science behind how radios work.
Matchbox microphone:
The kids spend lots of time working with professional microphone. They also get the rare opportunity to build their own mic: a MatchBox Microphone. This cements their insight into how a microphone works.
Vinyl record player:
Students build their own working record player. This fun project unveils the science behind how turntable technology.